Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mighty Mouse: Wolf! Wolf!

Little Bo Peep and her free-range sheep are threatened when Wily and Jazzy wolves attempt to capture them. But Mighty Mouse saves the day(open source)

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Case of the Missing Hare

From IMDB:
Ala Bahma the magician is nailing posters advertising his magic show everywhere, even on the tree home to Bugs Bunny. Bugs, not wanting to have a poster nailed over his home, ends up getting a pie in the face by the magician and vows revenge ("Of course you realize this means war"). Later, at the magic show, Bugs pulls many interesting gags to heckle the magician and even pretends to be a small boy from the audience who volunteers to help with a magic trick. Bugs then finishes it all off at the end with a pie in Ala Bahma's face and a Hawaiian song.

Wackiki Wabbit

Two goofy island castaways are dreaming about food (and imagining each other to BE food!) when Bugs Bunny washes up on the island. The castaways are intent on eating the rabbit, but Bugs manages to outsmart them time and again.